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2010 Betty Miller Photo Contest
On November 13, CVIDS held its 4th annual Photo Contest at the Fall Banquet in honor of former CVIDS President and hybridizer Betty Miller. Many thanks are due to Sylvia Seymour for organizing the contest and to the anonymous donor of the contest trophies. Fifteen club members submitted entries. In all four classes (see below), competition was fierce, and the following prize winners are to be congratulated:

Class 1 (Unusual forms, spiders, and variants):
First Place: Sherry Moffit, Pink seedling
Second Place: Nancy Carlisle, Mascara Snake

Class 2 (Single daylilies):
First Place: Clay Dawson, Rock Solid
Second Place: Zora Ronan, Song Triumphant

Class 3 (Double daylilies):
First Place: Doug Jones, Moses' Fire
Second Place: Clay Dawson, Susan Pritchard Petit

Class 4 (Landscapes):
First Place: Sherry Moffit
Second Place: Clay Dawson

Grand Prize: Sherry Moffit, Pink seedling

Thanks to the prize winners for providing their daylily photos for this announcement.